Thursday, 31 May 2018


"Say "NO” to corruption: it does not fit you! Say “NO” to bad leadership; you don't fit there. Say "NO” to immorality; it will only fake you! Be bold to say "NO” if that is what will take your breakfast away; you will get a sweeter launch pack for compensation sooner."

-Isrealmore Ayiyor-

     Economic Community of West African States(ECOWAS), celebrated its anniversary on 28th of May, 2018. Thus, this very Monday. My question here has to do with the fact that, has it achieved its goals or how far has it gone with its obligations?
Economic Community of West African States which is known as ECOWAS, is a regional economic union comprising fifteen independent West African countries. The 15 countries comprises 5 Anglophone countries and 10 Francophone countries. ECOWAS was established on 28th May, 1975, when the treaty of Lagos was signed with its mission to promote economic integration among the region. A revised treaty was signed in Cotonou, Benin in July, 1993. The chairperson of the ECOWAS is Faure Gnassingbe of Togo while Mr. Jean-Claudu Brou is the president of ECOWAS commission. The association was created  purposely to become the most important international economic instrument for economic co-operation and development in West Africa.

     Despite its purpose and its obligation, Mass looting of state funds is very common in west Africa by political office holders and bureaucrats, who see this as avenues to make a fortune for the future. It is only west Africa, precisely Ghana, that a road will be constructed and just within a month the roads will be ravaging. Those who steal state money are not punished, either of this now or in the future, are the catastrophe that slow down development in the community. The difference in the language will continue to pose a limitation to growth, as Nigeria with more than 250 ethnic languages, due to ethno linguistic fraction, there has been civil war in West African nations; the Ghana civil war in 1957 caused by the ethnic problem and closely followed the Nigeria civil war in 1966. Due to this effect, there have been delays in development in the region.

      Anti-government, demonstration, assassination, constitutional changes, coups, governmental crisis, purges, loot and share, riots, election rigging, and political thuggery have been the order of the day. The government policies are not only misinterpreted, but misappropriation of state funds has been very rampant with those in the political class.

"Our evolution depends on our memory. If we keep forgetting the mistake of the past, only to keep reflecting them, then we will never change. Humanity will never move forward, spiritually or morally to become superior beings"

-Susy Keissem-

     African Union officials have accused China of hacking its headquarters' computer systems every night for 5 years and downloading confidential data. The same building was built by Chinese state owned company which was funded by Beijing at the cost of $20m. The report by Le monde said, China had installed hidden microphones in the building and were transferring sensitive information at odd times of day.
Just recently, the president of the ECOWAS commission, Mr. Jean-Claude Bou and the Ambassador of China to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Mr. Zhou Pingjian signed for both parties in a bilateral agreement held at the ECOWAS commission headquarters, Abuja.  With the basis of building a new headquarters for the community with the grant worth $31.6 million dollars. Why should we give a contract to foreigners to build our own headquarters? Have we lost hope in our own people? The people we have invested in...... Hmmmm. China is also building a new parliament for Congo Republic and rebuilding the burnt premises in Gambia.  Why can't member nations contribute for the construction of our own headquarters? Early this year, the president of Ghana was moving with a mantra, “Ghana beyond aid”. Can we not spread this mantra into the community by using our own resource to develop Africa and precisely West Africa? We are rather depending on China and Western part of the world to develop our region which is now using dubious means to take over our resources. Nevertheless, despite the challenges facing the regional body, the body may not be seen as a total failure because, there is still room for corrections and hope that it will get better. Borrowing from the words of Chimua Achebe, there is nothing wrong with the West Africans, we can coordinate and perform even better that the European union. If all these things can be effectuate, the leaders should change their mentality. They should believe in the citizens in the region. We should not be repeating our mistakes by continuing to give contracts to foreigners to develop our region.
 Arise the youth of west Africa, precisely Ghana, and move this region forward!

 Amo-Agyei Gideon is a first year student studying Bsc. Agribusiness Management who believes that, activism is the only tool that can change the status quo.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Friday, 25 May 2018


Very thankful to slave trade. Else, I would be in AFRICA, nakedly serving a name that does not exist, forcibly marrying a man older than my father and thinking to the conclusion of imperialism.

-A black American Senator in the USA-

     Africa Union is a continental union, consisting of all the 55 countries on the African Continent, extending slightly into Asia, via the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. It was established on 26th May, 2001 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and launched on 9th July, 2002 in South Africa , with the aim of replaying the Organization of African Unity(OAU) established on 25th may, 1963 in Addis Ababa, with 32 signatory governments. They have a motto which says, " A UNITED AND STRONG AFRICA". Today marks the celebration of Africa Union and my question here is, *”do we have the Africa we want"*?

    At its formation, the founding fathers saw the end of colonialism and white minority rule and the start of co-operation among African states as the imperative road to achieve a better life for the people of Africa. Among other aims, the AU also sought to defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of African States. Africa today resembles the past: The continent is still divided along regional borders and tribal and ethnic boundaries-creation of the colonial rulers.
Recently, in a presentation at the African Leadership series,  Prof. Oteino Lumumba lamented that, it was only Africa that was still being referred to by colonial labels based on the identity of the coloniser. Lumumba highlighted terms such as 'Anglophone' ,'Francophone' and 'Lusophone' to mean that Africa is still a sphere of our erstwhile colonisers.

     It is my prayer that, the leaders of this continent will see the need to change their character and find ways and means to see to the development of this continent. Civilization started from Africa, thus, Egypt, but now we should ask ourselves, how far has the civilization taken this continent? In the USA, they make fun on their dinner about Africa. We lost our respect so easily. This continent has been a dumping site/ground for the white men; anything bad for them will be imported here. A continent with high external trade and low internal trade. We are exposed to the highest sun shine, yet we find difficulties in our lighting system. A continent of disruption and corruption. Corruption is the misdemeanor when theft is a felony. The only continent with age barriers to leadership positions. A continent where a President's son alone can be richer than the whole nation; Zimbabwe, Equatorial Guinea and the rest. A continent where two countries hold almost 60% of cocoa distribution in the world, yet find it difficult to feed its own self. A continent where political parties think only of coming into power but not empowering their people. A continent where its people see themselves as inferior to the white men. Africa is a disgrace! There is nothing to celebrate about Africa if not pastors and over-Christianity. They say, a proud AFRICAN, but I say, a shameful AFRICAN! A continent where the future is dicey.

     "When given the chance, the black man is capable of managing his own affairs ".
-Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah-

Have we been able to manage our own affairs? That is the question our leaders should give answers to, as we celebrate this day. *African Union deserves no celebration*. I am deeply saddened by the state of this continent.  Africa is the richest continent with regards to natural resources, but poorest inhabitants. Africa is a disgrace believe it or not. How long should we be drawers of water? We struggle and struggle to make ends meet, but we still remain where we are. We try to scratch a honest living from our land, but continually they remind us never to forget our role as drawers of water.

   In economy, the AU's future goals include; the creation of a free trade area, a customs union, a single market, a central bank and a common currency. The new leadership has a task ahead of it: They should clearly outline where they are taking the iconic project of African emancipation started by our founding fathers. The emancipation project means total economic independence for Africa. How does the AU position itself to be a critical player in the global arena, rather than being subservient and a receiver of aid from the west and China?
Africa is our continent, the richest continent in the world. I love the black colour. We should stop undermining our culture and our nature and I believe we will all see the Africa we  want.

*I still remain an activist who believes that activism is the only tool that can change the status quo.*


ARCHIMEDES WRITES Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology has its mission statement which depicts that, the Universit...